【TOMO雙語爆】毒梟暴力墨西哥一家被轟成蜂窩 | 即時新聞 | 20160206 | 蘋果日報

原文影片請看此這張血腥的照片,引發墨西哥全國乃至全球震怒,照片中一個小嬰兒和他父母,一家三口被殺害。網民在推特上把這張照片,和數個月前漂流到土耳其海岸的敘利亞男童Alan Kurdi相比較。星期五晚上,父親胡安(Juan Alberto Pano Ramos)和妻子艾爾巴(Alba Isabael Colón)帶著寶寶馬可(Marcos Migel Pano Colón)走在瓦哈卡州(Oaxaca)皮諾特帕市(Pinotepa Nacional)一家商店外。突然,一群持槍男子朝這家人開槍。墨西哥當局懷疑槍案與毒品交易有關。這一家三口,包括七個月大的小嬰兒全數死亡。墨西哥當局向美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)表示,這家人販賣毒品,而槍手是來自對立的毒梟集團。英文原文:This horrific image of a baby and his parents captured after their bloody murder is causing outrage across Mexico and beyond.On Twitter, netizens are comparing it to the image of the dead Syrian toddler Alan Kurdi, who washed up on the shores of Turkey several months ago.Juan Alberto Pano Ramos was outside a store with wife Alba Isabael Colón and their baby Marcos Migel Pano Colón on Friday night in Pinotepa Nacional in Oaxaca state.Several armed men reportedly opened fire on the family, in what Mexican authorities suspect was a drug-related shooting. All three, including the baby, were killed.Mexican authorities told CNN that the family sold drugs and that their killers were from a rival drug gang.



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